Get to know us

Learn more about Ellaura and her dedicated team!

Our mission

Share stories which enrapture and inspire audiences.

Our vision

We want to live in a world where empathy and compassion are the norms. Stories are told freely and enjoyed by all.

Ellaura's Story

Love to read, write, and inspire

North Carolina resident Ellaura Shoop is the author of ten novels and has had three different poems published in magazines and anthologies; her most recent “Black Licorice” was published in Issue #35 of The Literary Hatchet. Her chilling retelling “Adonis”, a short story, appeared in the college literary magazine Facets in 2021. As a certified Pet Loss Specialist, amateur Greek mythology savant, novice digital artist, and meerkat enthusiast, Ellaura offers a magical outlook to everything she writes. Named after the fictional Princess Elora from the cult classic Willow film (which must be fate), she has a uniquely mellifluous voice and a talent for conveying character. Her favorite subjects are animals, and her latest work of middle grade fiction Trailer Park Cats is chocked full of them. Ellaura strives to write inclusive stories filled with representation as well as gripping plots. She dabbles in a bit of everything- so be sure to keep an eye out for her upcoming projects, including some works of adult fiction. Her favorite genres are fantasy and horror. Right now, Ellaura’s natural habitat is reading outside anywhere there is shade.

Ellaura shares her home with a motley assortment of characters who help her run and inspire the library. Fun Fact: Ellaura is originally from Western PA!

Our team


Named after a character from Jess E. Owen’s novel Rise of The Dragon Star, Embra is a sweet and heartfelt cat. At about a year old she’s one of the youngest librarians. Her favorite activities include reshelving books, sleeping on shelves, and crying while Ellaura is trying to write. She is the resident expert in horror, considering her tendency to be a scaredy-cat.


Fritti is Embra's littermate, aptly named after the protagonist from Tad William’s Tailchaser’s Song. He does indeed enjoy chasing and gnawing on his lemur-like tail. Fritti is often consulted on adventure related stories. He’s always willing to regal guests with a tale or two. Of course, it takes time to get used to his high-pitched death screech. An adorable nuisance and scoundrel, sometimes even stealing from the head librarian’s desk!


This guinea pig isn’t much for travel, but boy is she a wonderful in-house consultant. She knows where everything is meant to be and won’t hesitate to reorganize when Ellaura gets it wrong. This feisty little guinea pig has a lot of attitude and always makes herself heard. She loves sprinting around the cage and inspecting the books… with her teeth. While her assistance is always appreciated, it isn’t always necessary.


Penny would be described as the weird one if she joined the cast of the Breakfast Club. Her favorite hobbies are fasting, worrying her parents, and yelling. She’s also considered an adoptive mom to Fritti and Embra. While her laziness is more suited to a less active position, Penny will shush guests or demand attention with her targeted howl. Her tendency to become over excited and retire quickly makes her the perfect greeter for the library. Penny says “woof!” (that means “welcome!”)


Rosie is the oldest of the bunch. This crotchety lady still packs a brave swipe and won’t hesitate to put anyone in their place. She knows all the rules and will turn her nose up if you twitch a whisker out of place. Her easygoing manor makes her the perfect writing companion. Just make sure not to eat in the library. Rosie will make sure any food is disposed of properly. (Right down her gullet!)


Zoey is our final librarian. She’s playful and fun-loving, which makes her the perfect activities director! Most always she’s holding a toy. Her big, adorable eyes can see into anyone’s soul. Never does this loving pup fail to brighten everyone’s mood and bring joy to the library. As Penny’s littermate, the two are thick as thieves. Her hobbies list also includes singing but unlike Penny she’s not as skillful at it. Though she’s just as cute.

Fun Fact:

Rosie doesn't really like Fritti and Embra-- Unless they're sleeping!

Fun Fact:

Penny and Zoey are from a litter of eight puppies. Ellaura's aunt has two of their littermates.